All Vote-by-Mail Requests expired in 2022. Renew your Vote-by-Mail Ballot Request Here


Meet Wesley

Program Information

The Marion County Supervisor of Elections is pleased to provide our voters with the Vote in Honor of a Veteran program. This program was established to encourage voter participation and remind citizens about the countless sacrifices Marion County veterans have made. Marion County has a legacy of military service and is considered home to over 35,000 veterans. These brave men and women fought and died to protect our freedoms that are often taken for granted, including the right to vote. Our democracy is possible thanks to the service and sacrifice of our veterans and active duty service members. By exercising our right to vote, we show them the respect they deserve for protecting our freedoms. The next time you vote, vote in honor of a veteran.

Submit a Veteran

A wall in the Marion County Supervisor of Elections Early Voting room has been dedicated as our Veterans Wall of Honor. To be included on the Wall of Honor a Veteran Biography Form should be completed and submitted by the veteran or a family member. If possible please include a copy of a photo from military service. Biographies may also be used during our high school voter registration program as well as published on our website and social media outlets.

All individuals who ever served our country that are connected to Marion County, whether in peacetime or wartime, past or present, will be included.

We need your participation to make this valuable program a success. Help us spread the word.

If you have any questions, please contact our office at 352-620-3290 or by email at Outreach@VoteMarion.Gov.

Submit a Veteran Biography Form using the online form below or download the Veteran Biography Form.

Completed forms should be returned to the address at the bottom of the form. Please feel free to make copies of the Veteran Biography Form and distribute them as you wish.


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By clicking "Submit", I confirm that the information given on this form is true and accurate and authorize the use of the information and photo provided for any Election Center publication.

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